In todays Minecraft Mods video we will be finding out what it is like to not be trolled inside of Minecraft.

"cnr_preptime": The time of the preparation phase.ESCAPE THE PRISON OF COPS AND ROBBERS MOD / DON’T GET TROLLED !! Minecraft Mods "cnr_instafree": Return to like 1.0, with instant freeing from 1 hit with the crowbar "cnr_copextraspeed": The multiplier that increases the Cops speeds. "cnr_smokedelay": Changes the amount of time that it takes to generate a Smoke Grenade "cnr_speedmultiplier": Multiplies all speeds by this number, useful for bigger or smaller maps "cnr_postroundtime": Changes the amount of time after a round is over, to a new one begins "cnr_armedrunners": Changes the amount of Armed Runners (in whole number) "cnr_coppercentage": Changes the percentage of Cops to be assigned (in decimal) "cnr_timelimit": Changes the rounds time limit. You can change a lof of numbers, check the console commands below! The Crowbar swings faster, but the Stunstick has a much greater range! You take no fall damage, but falls dealing more than 100 still kill you The Smoke Spawnpoint generates a Smoke Grenade every 15 seconds! Free your teammates for higher survivability Cops run faster than Runners, even with their hands equipped! Hide to survive! You run faster with your hands equipped Amazing for funny moments and great for videos too! Endless replayability! Try out some different jail locations! Custom HUD specifically made for this gamemode! No game requirements! Only TF2 is needed for sounds, but that is free. All maps compatible! The players place jail and smoke spawnpoints themselves. A certain amount of Runners get armed with Smoke Grenade Spawnpoints that spawn smoke grenades for their entire team! The Cops has to catch and tag all free Runners with their Stunstick to jail them! Runners have to escape and survive for the time limit! They can free their jailed teammates by hitting them with their Crowbar! One player becomes the Warden, who has to decide where to put jail. In this gamemode, a certain percentage of players become Police, and the remaining players become Runners. Cops and Runners, or CnR for short, is a gamemode made by Zet0r ( ), with some help from the Facepunch Forums (Special thanks to Acecool!)